eISSN: 2299-0046
ISSN: 1642-395X
Advances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii
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vol. 40
Original paper

mRNA expression of caspase 14 in skin epithelial malignancies

Agnieszka Markiewicz
Dawid Sigorski
Mateusz Markiewicz
Waldemar J. Placek
Agnieszka Barbara Owczarczyk-Saczonek

  1. Department and Clinic of Dermatology, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Clinical Immunology, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland
  2. Department of Oncology, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland
  3. Department of Ophthalmology, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland
Adv Dermatol Allergol 2023; XL (2): 315-320
Online publish date: 2023/05/31
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The skin is the largest organ in the human body and it is also a complex organ. Its protective function is properly maintained due to its continuous renewal. Malignancies develop when the balance between proliferation and cell death is dysregulated in skin cells. Skin epithelial cancers are the most common neoplasms in humans. Although caspases are proteins which regulate the cell cycle and cell death, caspase 14 is a unique representative of the caspase family which does not participate in apoptosis. The detailed role of caspase 14 in skin epithelial malignancies has not been elucidated.

Material and methods:
We performed a prospective study aimed at the analysis of the mRNA expression of caspase 14 in groups of skin epithelial malignancies. We enrolled 56 patients (control group n = 21, study group n = 35). The mRNA expression of caspase 14 was lower in the non-lesional skin of patients with basal cell cancer or squamous cell cancer compared to a combined group of non-lesional samples from actinic keratosis patients and the control group.

The prognostic potential of caspase 14 mRNA is suggested when trying to identify patients predisposed to skin cancer. Moreover, the expression level was lower in combined groups of non-lesional skin obtained from patients with basal cell cancer (BCC)/squamous cell cancer (SCC) in comparison with lesional samples obtained from patients with BCC/SCC.

We present primary results of a pilot study and define further goals for research continuation.


caspase 14, skin cancer, squamous cell cancer, basal cell cancer

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